The Beginning
Our history is one of transition. In March of 1997 a handful of people met for the first time as Desert Foothills Baptist Church (DFBC) in a newly purchased home on River Road. In August 1997 the members of DFBC called Dan Budgick to be their pastor. DFBC continued to see growth and soon realized the property would not be adequate to facilitate our vision.
In July 1998 we voted to purchase the Shannon Road lots that now serve as our present location. We began working on plans for our new church home. We had been praying for wisdom to know exactly how to go about constructing a church building with just a handful of people.
The Nehemiah Phase
God led us to an organization called True Foundation Builders. TFB is a mission organization that helps churches cut the cost of building by providing volunteer labor and working as the general contractor of the project. In October 1998 we decided to use TFB. As we waited for building permits we moved out of our River Road property and began meeting at Pusch Ridge Christian Academy.
Because of environmental issues, we were forced to delay construction until October of 2000. At first we were disappointed for the delay, but we knew God was in control. Every step of the way had God’s mark on it.
TFB arrived on the site at the end of January 2001. During the months of construction, couples working with TFB joined retired men from the congregation working every day, while other members worked on days off, evenings and Saturdays. A group of ten men, most of whom had construction backgrounds, paid their own way to fly out from South Carolina.
They helped us for a week by finishing the framing and setting the trusses. A couple from North Carolina helped us for two weeks to finish the electrical in time for the inspection. Repeatedly we saw God supply the necessary personnel to help us, plus contractors and suppliers who gave us discounts on materials.
We were thrilled that in October of 2001 we received a temporary occupancy permit and had our very first service Sunday, October 14. On December 17 the county granted us our final certificate of occupancy.

The Church Grows its Ministries
Over the years since, Desert Foothills Baptist Church has grown dramatically. Because of the transient nature of today’s populations, families have moved into the area, remained a while, engaged in solid and appreciated ministry, then moved away to where their work has taken them. Through it all, our ministries have expanded to include services for teens, seniors, and children.
We believe we have a tremendous responsibility and privilege to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with our community. We exist as a church to glorify God and are committed to exalting Him through worship. By focusing on the Bible and making it our sole authority for faith and practice and by using God honoring, conservative music; we desire to introduce our community to the gospel of Jesus Christ Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6).
As we grow, our facilities continue to expand, so that we may fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) of reaching, teaching and training people for Christ.
In 2010, we began preparing to add a driveway from Shannon Road as well as additional parking in order to meet the needs of our members and visitors.
We’re so blessed and thankful for the the resources and opportunities God has given us. The church is the people, and our goal is to use what He’s given us for His glory and honor. Our prayer is that God continues to empower us to impact our community with the hope of Christ through the transformative power of the Gospel!